
Kiddush Sponsor

  • The weekly Kiddush luncheon is sponsored by members of the community for the benefit of all who attend Synagogue on Shabbat morning. A delicious and pleasant sit-down lunch is a wonderful way to mark an occasion that is special to you; occasions such as:

    • Yahrtzeit of a family member. Click here to calculate when your loved one's Yahrtzeit will occur
    • In memory of a beloved friend, as a traditional way of honoring them  
    • Your birthday or the birthday of a loved one 
    • Your wedding anniversary or the wedding anniversary of a loved one 
    • Any life cycle event of yours or of a loved one, to express gratitude in honor of a special occasion (Graduation, a New Job, a "small" miracle), or just because.
  • Pick a Date
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    Billing Address
  • $0.00
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Community Shabbat Dinner

Once a month Chabad's "Friday Night around the world" will include fine cuisine, discussion and humor from countries and cultures around the world, Italian, Israeli, Chinese, Moroccan, and now even Cuban! Friday nights at Chabad are sure to be more unique and exciting than they already are.

Join us for our Ethnic Community Shabbat Dinners.

Next Ethnic Shabbat Dinner:

Israeli Shabbat Dinner

Friday, Nov. 22, 2024

6:00 pm

Candle lighting & Services
at 5:15 pm

at the Chabad Jewish Center

Upcoming events