Join us for a Community Shabbat Dinner
Featuring Israeli Cuisine
Friday, March 20 2009
6:00 PM
at the
Chabad Jewish Center
24850 Old 41 Rd. Suite 20 - Bonita Springs
Adults $18 • Children $9 • Family $40*
FGCU Students: FREE
Advance Reservations Required.
949-6900 or [email protected]
* No one will be turned down due to lack of funds
Once a month Chabad's new "Friday Night around the world"
includes fine cuisine, discussion and humor from countries and
cultures around the world, Italian, Israeli, Chinese, Moroccan, and
now even Mexican! Friday nights at Chabad are sure to be more
unique and exciting than they already are.
The beauty of Shabbat speaks for itself. ...A day of rest, peace
and serenity; a day of unity and harmony; a day to revive one's spirit
and rejuvenate one's soul. Combined with the Chabad spark of
passion and joy, it promises to be a most enjoyable and uplifting
Evening for you and your family.